2024 NYSTRS Delegates Meeting

2024 NYSTRS Delegates Meeting

The meeting provided delegates the opportunity to participate in pension-related educational seminars and discussions. Recordings and materials from these sessions, including the “Retirement Quest” answer key, can be found below.

Strength of the System and New Legislation

Learn about NYSTRS’ investment philosophy and how it creates success, strength and stability for the Retirement System and its members. This presentation covers developments over the past year, the health of the System, and our thoughtful approach to managing assets.

Strength of the System and New Legislation video

Planning for Peace of Mind

Steven Kramer, the founder of the Estate Wellness Forum and a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, reviews estate planning information every member should know.

Planning for Peace of Mind video

The Return of “Max Benefit’s Retirement Quest”

In the Retirement Quest, NYSTRS delegates navigate their way through the Career Stages, answering questions about a member’s early, mid, and late career.

Retirement Quest answer key(Opens in a new window)
Retirement Quest video

Social Security - What Should You Know?

We review key Social Security questions, including: When should I start collecting Social Security? How are cost-of-living adjustments calculated? and, What are my post-retirement earnings limits?

Social Security - What Should You Know? presentation slides

Social Security – What Should You Know? video

Disability and Death Benefits

NYSTRS wants to help you and your colleagues get the most out of your NYSTRS benefits and protect your beneficiaries. This session reviews the benefits available to members if they have a health crisis, and the death benefits provided to both active and retired members.

Disability and Death Benefits presentation slides
Disability and Death Benefits video